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Teck III Private Collection
Teck III Private Collection
Oil on canvas
54x48 inches

These Teck paintings are of Teck Cominco in Trail BC. My sister lives in Rossland and I found it interesting that many of the folks who live up there work in the city of Trail down the hill. There seems to be a cultural contradiction between how people live and what they do for work (I can identify, truly). Rossland is a quaint mountain town full of outdoor enthusiasts and a ski hill, organic food and craft stores while nearby Teck is a terrifying ecological disaster. This area has a long history of mining in BC from the early gold rush to the smelter in Trail today. A working class town, the houses, stone walls and switchback driveways are crafted with care, it would be a great place to live except of the toxic soil and water. Teck offers to remove the top layer of soil from your yard and replace it with soil that isn’t contaminated with lead.